How Vanderlande’s ADAPTO shuttle automates Scandinavia

  • fredag / 15 november / 2024
  • 12:30-12:50

Vanderlande’s presence in the Scandinavian region began more than thirty years ago. Today we have a solid service organization that ensures that all our customers’ systems are available 24/7 to optimally serve their customer base. And one thing that our customers, such as Lidl, Netto, Würth and Lyko, have in common is ADAPTO, the heart of their system. Active in completely different sectors, but with the same challenge: their products must be delivered to stores or to their customers’ homes in the blink of an eye. And that is ADAPTO at its best: when large volumes of inventory need to be moved in and out of storage with high availability, in the right order and at the right time.

Michelle Borm Sales Consultant Vanderlande
Öppna Scenen