Express Talks | Smart urban logistics – the future for cities

Ett samarbete mellan Hannoverimpuls, Business Region Göteborg, Göteborgs stad, Hannover stad, Hannover Messe och Svenska Mässan.

Ett samarbete mellan Hannoverimpuls, Business Region Göteborg, Göteborgs stad, Hannover stad, Hannover Messe och Svenska Mässan.


Smart urban logistics – the future for cities

Express Talks är ett samarbete mellan Hannoverimpuls, Göteborg Stad/Business Region Göteborg, Hannover Messe och Svenska Mässan. Stadslogistik är en av de stora utmaningarna som alla växande städer måste möta om de vill bli framgångsrika och hållbara i framtiden. På Logistik & Transport samlades representanter och nyckelpersoner från Hannover stad, Göteborg Stad, Volkswagen, Volvo, framstående forskare och start-ups som tillsammans diskuterade klimatsmart logistik: Smart urban logistics – the future for cities.

Organized by: Urban Rural Gothenburg – A European Regional Fund project led by Gothenburg city and Businessregion Gothenburg, Swedish Exhibition Centre and Hannoverimpuls GmbH.

Supported by: Deutche Messe, Hannover city, Hannover region, HannoverImpuls GmbH, Sweden’s national center for municipal coordinated distribution of goods, Gothenburg University, Chalmers University of Technology.

Participating companies: Volvo Group, Volkswagen Commercial Cars, Pakadoo GmbH, Graphmasters GmbH, Velove, Pling transport, TailorMade Arcitects.

Participating other research institut: IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, University of Applied Sciences Hannover.

Dan Melander – Project Manager Urban Rural Gothenburg, Business Region Gothenburg
Gernot Hagemann – Project Manager Industry Development, Hannoverimpuls GmbH
John Wedel Ph.D. –Infrastructure and Logistics Business Region Göteborg

9:10 – 09:25
Opening Ceremony

  • Welcoming Words from Business Region Göteborg and Hannoverimpuls
    Ulrike FirnissDirecor for European affairs, Business Region Göteborg & Cornelia Körberg, Project Director Industry Development, Hannoverimpuls

Scenarios from smart urban logistics in Sweden and Germany

  • Mobility in Urban Agglomorations 2040 – Results of the latest Scenario-Analysis in Germany
    Gernot Hagemann, Project Director Energy & Mobility, Hannoverimpuls GmbH
  • The future of coordinated goods distribution in our cities
    Olof Moen, Research Director, National Center for Municipal Coordinated Goods

10:10 – 11:00
The city’s traffic offices presents:

  • Project Urban Logistics:
    Insights into the Initiative Urbane Logistics Hannover – From an idea to realization: living labLinden-Nord 
    Gerrit Fehn, Urbane Logistik City of Hanover 
  • What is best for me? A simple method to compare urban logistic improvements 
    Prof. Dr. Lars-Oliver Gusig, University of Applied Sciences 
  • Initiatives and success factors in Gothenburg
    Christoffer Widengren, Project manager, sustainable city logistics, Transport Administration, Gothenburg City 

11:10 – 11:40
Research and development

  • Achieving smart urban logistics
    Michael Browne, Professor of logistics and urban goods transport, Department of Business Administration, University of Gothenburg.
  • Urban consolidation centers: potential and challenges – lessons from the Nordstan Shopping Center 
    PhD Dr. Sönke Behrends, Project Manager Logistics, IVL Swedish Environment Research Institute 

12:15 – 13:30
Company Cases

  • Future parcel delivery concepts – the Volkswagen in-house pilot with pakadoo GmbH
    Jessica Horsmans, Volkswagen Commercial Cars & Markus Ziegler, pakadoo GmbH 
  • Customer Success Smart Mobility
    Alexander Meister, Graphmasters GmbH 
  • Volvo trucks pioneering move towards sustainable transportation and climate-smart city logistics
    Christina Stenman Jörgensen, Product Planning Manager, Volvo Group & Cecilia Haraldsson, Senior innovation Manager, Volvo Group 
  • Velove / Pling How City Hubs enable productive, energy efficient and city friendly last mile delivery?
    Johan Erlandsson, CEO Velove & Annika Hagberg, Pling transport 

14:00 – 14:30
Business development and innovation

  • The business development opportunities for the climate-smart city logistics
    John Wedel, Ph.D. Infrastructure and Logistics Business Region Gothenburg 
  • Business development for smart Logistics, Hannover city and region
    Gernot Hagemann, Project Director Energy & Mobility, Hannoverimpuls Gmb

14:40 – 15:00 
The case of block based green city terminals

  • Development of neighbourhood / block-based city terminals linked to commercial greenhouses and land-based fish production centers.
    Fredrik Olson, Arkitekt SAR/MSA & Martin Berg, Project Manager, Real Estate’s property management of Gothenburg

15:10 – 15:30

  • Challenges for a sustainable future within logistics and mobility.
    Panel Discussion – With challenges and represents for each sector. 

Göteborg visar vägen för klimatsmart citylogistik »